Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship

My mentor's name is Dr. Chen, she's a pediatrician at Sunshine Pediatrics in Pomona.

The most important thing I've gained from this experience is seeing the way Dr. Chen is with her patients. While volunteering there and shadowing her every now and then, I was able to see the way she socializes with not only her patients but also with their parents. She makes them feel more as if they were her friends and she makes them feel comfortable with the situation their child has. I thought this was really important because it taught me that being a pediatrician isn't only about seeing patients one after the other in quick minutes, it's about interacting with your patient's and having the patience for children. I've learned a lot from my four years of community service at Sunshine Pediatrics; for example, how to scan papers, take patient's vitals, help the medical assistants with their medical LOTS and my favorite, seeing how they inject vaccines.

I interviewed three different doctors at Sunshine Pediatrics. Those three doctors were Dr. Chen, Dr. Huang and Dr. Hsuing. They're all great pediatricians who taught me a lot about pediatrics and my essential question, autism. Dr. Hsuing knew the most about autism so I would say she helped me the most with my answers but my mentor, Dr. Chen, recommended her so I would say both helped me very much. Interviewing these doctors and shadowing my mentor has helped me with my essential question and my answers.