Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

I, Leslie Luna, affirm that I completed my Independent Component 1 which represents 34 hours of work.

The book that helped me a lot with my Independent Component 1 would be Your Child's Health by Barton D. Schmitt. Every time I shadowed with my mentor, Dr. Chen, I noticed she would recommend this book to every patient’s parent. This book talks about any type of disease or illness a baby could get. It also talks about the treatments or what to do for the baby when put in the situation. This book helped me think of a lot of questions that I needed my mentor, Dr. Chen, to answer. It’s a great book and will answer every question you have about your child’s health.

Schmitt, Barton D. Your Child's Health. Toronto: Bantam, 1987. Print.

My Independent Component 1 hour are updated and labeled on this right side of my blog under the link as Senior Project Hours.

What I completed during my Independent Component 1 was just complete extra 30 hours of volunteer work. What I did was help the medical assistants with their lots, I took vitals of patients, I assisted them to their rooms and I also shadowed my mentor, Dr. Chen. While I shadowed my mentor I collected questions I had for her that she would answer by the end of the day. I will be turning in the question and answer sheets that I’ve typed out to my house teacher.

This component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better because it was an extra 30 hours of where I do my mentorship. Volunteering there helps me with my topic and my essential question because I am always surrounded by kids who have autism. I learn how to be around them and notice the way their brain works. Completing extra hours at my mentorship helps me answer my essential question.